Prime Islami Life Insurance Ltd.
Customer Care: 09617333111
Helpline: 09613777779
IDRA Hotline Number: 16130

Endowment Assurance Plans – without profit

Features of the plan
01 Type of Plan These are group endowment plans.
02 Term of the plan Group member’s age at maturity of the plan - group member’s age at commencement of policy. As per example group member’s age at maturity of the plan is 60 years, his age at commencement of policy is 20 years. So the policy term will be 60 – 20 = 40 years.
03 Age of the assured at commencement of policy Minimum - 18 years and Maximum - 59 years
04 Maximum age at marurity 60 Years
05 Minimum number of group 10 persons
06 Minimum Sum Assured for individual member Taka 30000
Benefit of Plan
01 At maturity Group member will get 25% , 50% & 100% of sum assured for table no 7a, 7b, 7c respectively.
02 At Death during policy period The nominee(s) of the assured will get full sum assured if he/she dies at any time during policy period in case of any of table No 7a, 7b, 7c.
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