? Prime Islami Life Insurance Limited
Prime Islami Life Insurance Ltd.
Customer Care: 09617333111
Helpline: 09613777779
IDRA Hotline Number: 16130

Shareholding Structure

The Authorized Capital of the Company is Tk. 500 million and paid up Capital is Tk. 305.20 million. At the end of 31st December 2021 total shareholders stood at 3,167 and the shareholdings percentage as per category is shown in the following table:

Category of shareholders Number of shareholders Percentage of total shareholding
Directors/Sponsors 18 38.08%
General Public 3,007 22.47%
Institutions 121 39.36%
Non Resident of Bangladeshi 17 0.09%
Total 3,165 100%
Detail Shareholding Graph

The Authorized Capital of the Company is TK. 500.00 million and Paid-up Capital is TK. 305.20 million. At the end of the 31st December 2020 total shareholders stood at 2,793 and the shareholdings percentage as per category is shown in the following table:

Category of shareholders Number of shareholders Percentage of total shareholding
Directors/Sponsors 18 38.08%
General Public 2,659 21.93%
Institutions 95 39.94%
Non Resident of Bangladeshi 21 0.05%
Total 2,793 100%
Detail Shareholding Graph
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